Jim May | living at His place


There is something very fulfilling about enjoying what we have worked for. Standing on top of Long’s Peak after a ten hour climb is exhilarating. Looking at a picture of Sir Edmund standing on the top of Mt. Everest evokes admiration, but not the deep satisfaction of having done it myself. Finishing a book after a lifetime of lessons and years of writing is reward enough even if I never sold any. The day UPS dropped off the first box of books on my front porch was like ten birthdays in one. Giving them away and hearing they brought wisdom and help to others just added to the pleasure of achievement.

Entitlements tend to rot the soul of everyone involved. The one who labors and has his wealth redistributed against his will is robbed of enjoying the fruits of his work and is denied the joy of voluntarily giving what he has earned. The soul of the one who receives something for nothing is diminished being denied the pleasures of achievement. The soul of the authority giving handouts is corrupted having neither worked nor achieved.

God built into the soul of man the need to work, achieve, and enjoy the fruit of his labor. This is a sign of his blessing. Voluntary giving to help others achieve is noble. Involuntary redistribution of wealth to those who do not achieve is destructive to people and their cultures. As Jefferson said, “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”